
Declaration of Accessibility Compliance

Posted in By 11 בMarch 2024

Website Accessibility – The Jerusalem Opera
(as of March 11, 2024)
This website meets the requirements of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law 1998 and the Regulations (Adaption of Accessibility to Services), 2013.

The website conforms to the recommendations of the Israeli standard (SI 5568) for web content accessibility at Level AA and the recommendations of W3Cs WCAG 2.0 document.

The website has been made accessible using the UA USER ACCESSIBILITY Company and is compatible with most leading technologies used in this area.

To learn about the accessibility on this website, please press the F1 key and instructions will appear.

It should be noted that despite our efforts to make our web pages accessible to everybody, the attached documents (such as Word, PDF, Excel), the internal management system and the video files are still being made accessible, which we are taking steps to complete.
If your need a document that appears on the website, but is not accessible, please contact us with a link to the location and we will take care of it as soon as possible.
If you encounter a component or page on the website that is not accessible, we would appreciate if you could contact (details below) and we will make sure to rectify it as soon as possible.

Contact Us
1 A description of the problem
2 What action were you trying to take?
3 What page were you on?
4 The details of your browser.
5 Your operating system.
6 Auxiliary program (if using).

Contact Details:
Address: 26 Caspi St., Jerusalem
Name of the Amutah: The Jerusalem Opera
Phone No.: 02-6732138

Details of Accessibility Officer:
Name: Fern Braniss
Phone No.: 052-3947953
Email: fernbraniss@gmail.com

The Jerusalem Opera does not have offices or own its own facilities. All events are held in accessible facilities and questions should be addressed to the contact person in every event locale regarding accessibility.

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